Friday, September 12, 2008

EA industrial production down again in July 2008

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Industrial production in the Euro Area, EA15 and EA27, contracted in July 2008. In EA15 countries IP for the total industry was down 1.7 percent on a working day adjusted basis compared to the same month last year. That is the third month that IP contracted on a year over year basis. Durable consumer goods contracted 5.7 percent and intermediate goods 2.3 percent. Two examples of member states with total industry growing are Bulgaria up 2 percent and Denmark up 1.1 percent. IP was contracting in Germany, Italy, France and Spain by 0.5, 3.2, 2.8, 4.4 percent respectively in July 2008 compared to last year.

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source: July 2008 compared with June 2008 Industrial production down by 0.3% in both euro area and EU27

Eurostat news release

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